Chris Balsley MA, LPC, PCC has maintained a thriving and diverse professional coaching, presenting and somatic counseling practice for almost thirty years. Chris’s clients include leaders at all levels in organizations, from high-level government and military officials to executives in Fortune 500 companies. He has presented in the United States, Asia, Mexico and Europe and he has been interview on television and radio shows. Chris’s present focus is on inspiring leaders to become the most effective leaders they can become, especially in the face of workplace stress, daily adversity and overwhelm. He is a veteran of the U.S. Military (Hon. Discharge 1983) and has taught psychology, counseling skill and somatics at the University and College level since 2001.

Chris studied directly with the Tension Release Exercise (TRE) founder David Berceli Ph.D for three years during which they trained over 6,000 high performance individuals in these revolutionary exercises. Since the beginning of 2012 Chris has personally guided over 300 Singaporean, Indonesian and Malaysians through the TRE process.

S. G. “Out of everything I’m doing to help my body heal, I’ve found that TREs all by themselves are 75% of the success I’m experiencing… The training you provided me is not only less expensive (especially compared to the surgeries and medical co-pays I was paying), it is lifelong, applicable to my career success, bettering my parenting, and helping me be a better spouse.”

Some of the websites mentioned on this episode: